“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of TRUTH.”

- 2 Timothy 2:15

Why Choose Us?

Truth Academy is a place for youth to be taught truth - biblical, educational, and historical truth. Students are provided academically strong material that is written from a Christian perspective.

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Truth Academy has classes available for either college-bound students or students entering the workforce. Truth Academy offers a rotating schedule of electives and Bible class. On Tuesdays, the students participate in a cooking class where they learn how to cook their own lunch and share a meal together. Truth Academy hosts an inspirational guest speaker each week on Thursdays. Students graduating from Truth Academy will be prepared to make a difference in the community around them.

What we Offer

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Class Times

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Class Prices

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Truth Academy offers classes on Monday through Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm.

Classes are a la carte @ $700 per class (full year).

Electives are $500 and under.

Curriculum includes Saxon Math, Abeka Social Studies, Bob Jones/IEW English & writing.

Meet our Team!

Clark Stoller

History, Civics, Economics, Spanish

- Graduated from Illinois State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education

-President of Stoller International for 50 years -Served 11 years on Gridley School Board District #10 (president for 8)

-Taught Sunday School and currently serves as a minister at Gridley Apostolic Christian Church

-Married to Cindy with two daughters and five grandchildren

-Enjoys farming and raising beef cattle

Cindy Stoller

Cooking Class

-Graduated from Illinois State University with a degree in Special Education

-Taught children with learning disabilities at El Paso High School

-Married to Clark with two daughters and five grandchildren

-Loves to cook and spend time with her grandchildren

Samantha Szczepanski

Health, Biology, Chemistry, Ag, Electives

-Graduated from Western Illinois University with Bachelors of Science in Agricultural Education

-Worked at Parsons Mfg. in the sales department

-Serves as Truth Academy Administrator

-Teaches children’s program at Community Bible Fellowship

-Married to Mike with three daughters

-Enjoys fishing, reading, and spending time with her family

Meet our Team!

Ree Hartman

Math, Chorus, Tutoring

-Graduated from Illinois State University with a Masters degree in Special Education w/ a research emphasis in managing behavior

-Certified in Learning Disabilities, Behavior Disorders, and Educable Mentally Handicapped

-Taught at Deer Creek Middle School

-Lecturer & Professor at ISU for over 25 years

-Married to Jim and lives in Congerville

-Favorite pastimes include Bible studies, Grandparent Dates, music, reading, & Truth Academy Pickleball Club

Darleta Gramm

Bible Class

-Former Executive Director for the area’s Pregnancy Resource Center

-Served as Bible Study Fellowship leader

-Traveling VBS volunteer

-Apples of Gold leader

-Apostolic Christian Church Jr. High Girls Camp leader

-Homeschooled three of her children

-Married to Roger

-Enjoys studying the Bible, traveling, volunteering, and spending time with her grandchildren

Carol Bally

English, Speech/Debate

-Graduated from Eureka College

-Taught English at Morton High School for 18 years.

-Helps her husband with farming and Uncle Bob’s Ice Cream

-Loves time in the classroom and has a passion for literature

-Strives to reach each of her students and expand their knowledge

-Married to Bob and has three children

-Enjoys reading, travel, and watching her grandchildren

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Contact Us

If you have a student who would like to be a part of one or more classes at Truth Academy High School, please contact us at:

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(309) 830-2784

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